Wednesday 4 November 2020

Raspberry Pi Camera Time-lapse

 Previous Post: Setting up your Raspberry Pi Camera

Once I set-up my Raspberry Pi camera, I wrote a simple script to take a picture from my camera every 2 minutes.

Option 1: Writing a Python Script

Initially I wrote a small Python code which takes a photo every 2 minutes from my Raspberry Pi Camera. The code can be found on my GitHub here.
Next I wrote a small shell script which can run my Python program and added a command to Crontab to run the shell script at start up.

Option 2: Run from Shell Script

The problem with Option 1 is that the camera is always on. To avoid this I ditched the python script and prepared a shell script that can directly take a picture from my camera.
For this I wrote a small shell script which can take a picture and save it to my desktop and added a command to Crontab to run the shell script every 2 minutes. (instead of @reboot, use */2 * * * *)

I attached the Raspberry Pi in my balcony as in the post below. A sample of half a day of photos is shown in the video above.

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1 comment:

  1. Camera V1.3 Specs -
