Tuesday 10 October 2006

Short Story: Nightmare Books

The following is an incomplete story that I wrote (but never finished) in the 7th Grade.

Nightmare Books


"You can keep it" Carl Donald shouted over the voices of children.
"When can I return it?" I shouted back.
"Next year" He shouted again
"Cool" I said to myself.

I took one good look at the books he gave me. Then when I wanted to thank him he was gone like everyday.

My name is Jack Wilson. I'm 13+. Carl Donald is my friend since we were in grade 2. Since then till now we used to borrow books from each other. Today he gave me something that I wanted to read from a long time which he has written by him self. He said that they were a bit scary. And my other good news is that today we got our final term holidays.

The next day I carefully unpacked the books in to my old drawer. I read the names of the books as I put them in. There was
The wolf forest
The Indian scientist
The monster returns
The human plant
Attack of the mutant mouse
School jail
A little while later my twin brother Fred came in to the room.

"What are you doing?" he asked

"I got a few books from Carl" I replied.

"Let me see" Fred jumped on me.

"Get off me" I shouted angrily.

"Hey what's this" Fred pulled out a small piece of paper fallen from the ground.

"What does it say?" I asked him.
Fred began to read
"I hope you two have some deadly fun after you read it
From Carl"
"Spooky" I said.

"What does it mean?" he asked

"It must be one of his stupid jokes," I answered.

Fred and I look exactly the same. We have the same blue eyes, the same black curly hair and so on. The only way you are going to find who is who is by finding who acts like a nut head the most. If you find him that’s Fred!

I picked up the receiver on my phone and dialled Carl's number to thank him for the books he gave me.

"Hello" an old man answered the phone. Must be Carl's grandpa I thought

"Is Carl there" I asked

"No he is not there. He will never be there. And don’t call this number anymore" He shouted back and kept the receiver

" Weird " I said to Fred. "Carls grandpa is angry with me"

I rang Carls cell phone but it was switched off.


We went outside...

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