Friday 28 July 2006

Short Story: Can You See Me?

The following is a short story that I wrote for project in 6th Grade.

Can You See Me?

“Hurrah!” I shouted with joy. “I got an A for all the subjects and even for art.
“Well done!” Jake congratulated me. “I got eight A’s and one B on this examination.
“That’s not bad” I comforted him.
“What are you doing this holiday” Jake asked me.
But before I could answer a teacher came and asked him to come to her office.
My name is Thomas Johnson and everyone just calls me TJ. I’m an average kid at 13 years of age. Well I am not as average as you think, just read this description. It is from my diary. I live down Wood way street. Well you cant actually call where I live, a house with an enormous garden, but a spooky house lost in the middle of a forest. Just to tell you the truth, I live in a weird old house in the middle of a coconut estate.
Jake Green is my classmate. We usually get together after class and talk about something, just about anything. But mostly games.

19th Friday

I got down from my school van and walked towards the front door of my house. There was a note hanging on the door. I picked it up and read it.

Your dad and I went our old batch dinner.
We’ll be late. You and MJ go to sleep by nine at least. There is pizza in the oven.
Love mom
I went in to the house and said hello to Lassie. Lassie is our dog. We own about twenty pets (I think). We have two cows, Bessie and Mariah, two dogs, Lassie and Pinto a cat, Fluffy and Melody the mynah bird. There is also another animal I like you to meet his name is Mathew Johnson (we call him MJ) and he is my brother. He is 10 years old.
Today MJ came late after his piano lesson. I gave him the note and he started reading it.
“How are your results?” I asked him
“Seven A’s and Two B’s.” he replied “how are yours?”
“Not that bad.” I told him “can you give a guess?”
“Six A's?” “No”
“Seven?” “No”
“Eight?” “No”
“In that case is it less than five A’s”
"What?" MJ’s mouth flung open.
"Yup! I beat you this time too," I told him
At dinner we ate pizza in front of the T.V. Mom never let us watch T.V. while we are eating. But today I was free. Then suddenly some thing happened. We had a black out and there was a loud BANG outside. After about twenty seconds the lights came back.
"Was that a gun shot?" MJ's asked me quietly.
"Can't be, it was as if something fell," I said
"Must be in the next house" MJ replied
After dinner we took a torch and ran outside to find out what the sound was. But nothing seemed to look unusual
"What do you expect to find in a 20 acre estate in the dark?" Fred asked me
"I don’t know a big rock or something," I told him.
That night I couldn’t sleep. When mom and dad came home I pretended to be asleep but something told me to go out and see what the sound was. Half an hour went by, mom and dad were asleep. I put on my slippers, took a torch and marched out half asleep.
I heard an unclear whisper, it sounded like someone was chanting a spell. A long spell. The chanting became louder and louder. It was like a motorcar racing towards me. My feet wouldn’t stop walking. I had to see what it was. Finally I stopped walking I looked in all directions nothing was to be seen. I looked down. I couldn’t believe what I saw. There were a small footsteps. It wasn’t an animal because it looked like human but small. Very small. They were in a pattern. I adjusted my eyes and looked closely. It was a message. It read,

20th Saturday

The next morning I woke up late and it seemed that I had a awful dream. But something in my head told me it wasn’t a dream. You can never be too sure of yourself. So I went out to the place where I saw the message after breakfast.
There was no message but there was a strange rock. It was shining as the suns rays reflected off it. I picked it up. It wasn’t a rock, it was glass. A glass that belonged to a vehicle.
I walked further. There was another set of footprints.
"Whoa" I took a step back.
"Mathew" I shouted I got to tell him about this.
"What?" he shouted
"Come here quick I shouted back.
MJ came walking like an old grandpa along the trail I used to get here.
"Read this" I told him
"So what?" he said, "Do you think I'll be scared of that?"
"But I didn’t write it" I argued.
I explained it all to him.
"Okay so you can make up stories so what?" he said grumpily.
"It is not a story" I started to argue again.
"I think you have been studying too hard" he said.
After about an hour MJ came stamping to my room.
"I will not believe you no matter what you do" he shouted at me.
I didn’t know what he was talking about. He saw it too. He took my hand and dragged him to his room. Then he told me to go and look at his mirror. So I went but there was nothing. MJ too came behind me. I looked at him. His mouth was wide open.
"But it was here" he told me
"What?" I asked him.
"A note" he spoke softly " it was written in Ink but now it's gone".
"What did it say?'
"BELIEVE HIM or something" He answered
"Believe whom" I asked him.
"I don’t know," he said "didn’t you write it?"
"How could I? I was downstairs watching T.V." I said
"But…" he couldn’t talk any more.
"Well, well. Guess who's the one who had too much of studying" I told him.
"This is no joke," he told me.
"Then why didn’t you believe me?" I asked him
I went back to my room. I had this feeling that someone is keeping an eye on me except that I cant see him. He can be even next to me or even in front of me but I can't see him. He could be watching me any time and he could do something to me at anytime, anyplace or anyway
The day went fine until it was time to sleep. There was a noise outside my window. It was the chanting noise. I dared to look out of the window. All I saw was the long stretch of coconut trees planted in a straight rows and the half moon shining brightly.

21st Sunday

Today was a relief for me because I went to church and prayed that nothing might happen to me.
On my way home I was wondering how it would be if it was really an alien and caught it. My name would be front-page news. People from all over the world will come to see it. But how it is invisible.
All the way back home MJ didn’t speak a word to me. I guess he was angry with me. But he had a wide smile on his face all day long.

22nd Monday

Today too I woke up late. The sun was up. I moved my fingers but not me arms. I moved my toes but not my leg. I moved my muscles not my body. What was wrong with this picture? I opened my eyes a little more. I was tied up. I was tied up very tight. But who's that? In front of me.
"MJ" I shouted. "What are you doing"
"Whoa" He gasped and turned at me
Behind him it was written
HOW DOES IT F .on my mirror
"so it was you wasn’t it" I said
"I was erasing it see" showed me a piece of cloth.
"But why do you have an ink pen?" I asked him.
"Untie me now" I shouted before he could answer his question. He soon ran towards me with a pair of scissors and cut off all the rope going around me.
"Come on TJ admit it you were scared and you really believed about invisible creatures". MJ started laughing at me.
"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha" I told him. "But how did you make those foot prints?"
He showed me a doll. It was bigger than a regular one, and it had feet just like human.
"But where did the glass come from?" I asked MJ.
"What glass?" He said "I didn’t put any glass. Where?"
"Near the first stupid message you wrote on the sand" I told him.
“But I thought it was you” he said.

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