Monday 26 December 2016

Solving a Rubik's Cube

Solving a Rubik's cube...
with the guide on

Saturday 26 November 2016

Bluetooth Speakers Update

A few weeks back I tried to use an old cheap Bluetooth headset circuit to drive my HP Desktop speakers. The project wasn’t exactly successful, so I purchased a 3W + 3W Bluetooth 4.0 Audio Receiver and amplifier board from eBay.


Saturday 12 November 2016

Solar Panels Update

The solar panels that I bought from ebay were working properly but they were not delivering enough power to do anything useful. So I decided to purchase a few more solar panels and improve the project.

Saturday 3 September 2016

Bluetooth Speakers

A few years ago I had bought very cheap Bluetooth speakers from ebay that looked a lot like the ones you see telephone operators wear.

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After a year this headset was outdated and as it was cheap it was falling a part and holding less and less charge at a time. So I decided the salvage the electronics out of these headphones and make my already existing speakers work on Bluetooth.

Saturday 30 April 2016

12V Solar Panel

I recently bought four really cheap 0.6W-0.7W, 6V solar panels from eBay and they worked well when I tested them on their own. So I decided to use all four of them to make a small solar panel to power small projects.