Saturday 3 September 2016

Bluetooth Speakers

A few years ago I had bought very cheap Bluetooth speakers from ebay that looked a lot like the ones you see telephone operators wear.

HA1-000342 (“”)

After a year this headset was outdated and as it was cheap it was falling a part and holding less and less charge at a time. So I decided the salvage the electronics out of these headphones and make my already existing speakers work on Bluetooth.

The circuit inside is shown below. It consisted of the main circuit board (which held the Bluetooth IC and the antennae), a speaker, mic and a 95mAh rechargeable battery.


To improve this I purchased a 3W Audio Amplifier board from ebay and connected it to the output in order to drive my speakers.


The project overall was marginally successful. I was able to connect to the project through my phone and play music. However the audio quality of this was awful. The bandwidth of the Bluetooth device was not sufficient to play good quality music.

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