Tuesday 18 April 2017

Notes: Time Management steps

Short and Simple: Time should be well Invested!
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” – Abraham Lincoln
  1. Plan Ahead
    • Have weekly goals
  2. Avoid Procrastinating
    • Avoid inventing things to do instead of what you should be doing
    • Start now – Would you really do it tomorrow no matter how much you say you would?
  3. Have a morning routine.
    • Plan & visualize your day
    • Visualize your success
    • Exercise
  4. Have ONE goal you want to do today
    • Have only one target so you can give it your 100%
    • example - Complete an online course
  5. Focus on your work one at a time
    • No Distractions
    • No multitasking
    • Uninterrupted time (Use a stand-alone timer)
    • Plan ‘timed’ ‘refreshing’ breaks
  6. Work towards your final goal
    • Work on things that give you the most returns
  7. Keep track of your time
    • Keep a log of what you done so you know honestly if you have been productive
    • Keep track of how much you have contributed towards your target
  8. Be stingy about your time
    • Doing work for others is NOT being productive
    • Work mostly on things that help you move towards your targets


  1. James Frankton [2014/09/24 10:17 AM] “7 Steps to move effective time management”, http://www.mindofwinner.com/7-steps-to-more-effective-time-management/ [Accessed: 2017.04.18]
  2. Brandon Hakim “A Mini Course on Time Management” https://www.udemy.com/manageyourtime/learn/v4/overview [Accessed 2017.04.18]UC-JICJOKDB

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