Thursday 11 December 2014

Cheap MP3 Player from eBay

A few weeks ago I got a really cheap Chinese MP3 players from eBay to take with me to the gym as I didn't mind losing it. The quality of the player was good for the price however the only problem was that the battery lasts only for about 3-4 songs. Which was really frustrating!

So I bought a rechargeable 700mAh phone battery (which is usually quite cheap) and replaced it with the original battery. Now the problem was that the battery is too big for the case. So I had to paste it outside the case. It's now a little unbalance (and not to mention, ugly) but you don't really notice it when its clipped under your gym t-shirt.

In terms of performance, the MP3 player works just as well as it did before but now the battery life lasts for weeks!

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