Thursday 31 October 2013

“The Everything Box”

I always wanted to work on a home automation project as it is very interesting and challenging to design a circuit to control most electrical appliances in a house. It’s not possible to mess around with the electricals in my room which I stay for rent. So I decided to make an automated box. I call it “The Everything Box”.

The Everything Box will house various circuits designed for different tasks. The circuits are not limited to the inside of the box. Some of them will be wired out of the box to control appliances such as desk lamps etc. Some of the circuits that I have decided to put in the box are:

  • Automated Desk Lamp and other lights
  • Back up power Circuit
  • Automated cooling fan to maintain temperature
  • Data logging
  • Music Player
  • More circuits will be added in the future

To get started with the project I took an old shoe box that was lying around. I cut some holes for the basic items such as the fan and buttons and painted the box in shiny black.

The Everything Box | Jonnytronics


The Everything Box | Jonnytronics

The box currently has the switches shown, a cooling fan, a number pad and a blue el wire running along the inside top of the box to illuminate the circuits when the box is opened. I will post updates on this blog when I add new circuits to The Everything Box.

Jonnytronics | Everything Box

Let me know what you think of this project and also let me know of some new suggestions for the circuits in the comments below. Thank you for reading.

1 comment:

  1. woah...looks us the inside of the box..
