Friday 30 October 2020

Setting up WiFi communication between Raspberry Pi and ESP8266 with MQTT

One of the fundamental components in setting up your DIY smart home or IoT project is to set-up the communication method between your devices and the server.

Given the most accessible wireless network to most of us is our home WiFi, I will be using the MQTT protocol to send messages over WiFi. The main server for this will be a Raspberry Pi and the devices (or clients) are ESP8266, ESP32 or similar devices

Home-made Raspberry Pi Media Center

When you have a number of laptops, phones PCs, TVs and tabs in your house in which you listen to music or watch movies and TV shows, it can be frustrating to sync all your media between each of the devices. I have set-up a Raspberry-Pi based media server in my house to be able to access my music, photos and other media from any device connected to my WiFi.

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